Providing Accreditation and Healthcare Engineering Services since 2015.

Compass Consulting Group

We aid healthcare in readiness, safety, cost control. Guide accreditation for strategic standard development, driven by seamless compliance.
  • Dental Clinic

    Nullam luctus vel tortor sit amet accumsan. Integer sit amet sagittis tortor.

  • FDA To Study Animation In Drug Commercials

    Aspernatur ostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?

  • Life Safety and Environment of Care - Document List and Review Tool

    Life Safety and Environment of Care - Document List and Review Tool

    The documentation mandated by the Hospital and Critical Access Hospital accreditation programs for Life Safety (LS) and specific Environment of Care (EC) standards is meticulously outlined in the Joint Commission accompanying Document List and Review Tool.

  • Preparation and Assistance for Surveys

    Preparation and Assistance for Surveys

    Navigating Accreditation and Regulatory Compliance within the healthcare sector can be intricate, but our team of seasoned experts is dedicated to offering Survey Preparation and Support tailored to your needs.

  • Reducing Smoking

    Etiam vitae euismod ipsum, rhoncus facilisis enim. Proin faucibus purus libero, et porta sapien viverra vel. Fusce iaculis est eu ipsum facilisis, at sodales diam condimentum. Maecenas vel suscipit turpis. Phasellus venenatis libero in urna fermentum, eget volutpat lacus volutpat.

  • Variations in Fire Drill Start Times

    Variations in Fire Drill Start Times

    For an extended period, ensuring compliance with fire drill scheduling, particularly concerning the timing discrepancies between drills, has posed a recurring challenge highlighted during Joint Commission surveys.

  • Infection Prevention and Control Plan

    What Should an Infection Prevention and Control Plan Include?

    An effective infection prevention and control plan should include several key components to ensure comprehensive protection against infectious diseases. Here are some essential elements that such a plan should encompass:


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Where to find us?

3401 Enterprise Parkway. Beachwood, OH 44122, USA
Phone Number
(216) 249-7952

Phone Number
(216) 249-7953